Tuesday, December 11, 2024: Monthly Program (BayCHI)

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작성자 Franklin
댓글 0건 조회 11회 작성일 24-07-17 22:18


But we’ve all got excuses. But in saying that, I have got myself into a linguistic trap. Well, now, you see, you’ve got to realize that we think of the world largely in terms of Newtonian mechanics. She couldn’t last it through.’" Because, you see, who you think you are is entirely dependent on who people have told you you are. Because, after all, if I talk all the time I can’t hear what anyone else has to say, and if I think all the time-and by that I mean specifically talking to yourself subvocally inside your skull-if I think all the time, I have nothing to think about except thoughts. Because, you see, music is peculiar, in that it is a marvelous pattern of sounds that doesn’t mean anything. But it doesn’t mean that God is dead, that life is nothing more than a trip from the maternity ward to the crematorium. It’s much more spooky than that!

It’s much more like the practice of medicine, as when you say: "I practice medicine." It means you do it every day. The wake doesn’t drive the ship any more than the tail wags the dog. Now, is the head the cause of the tail, or is the tail the cause of the head? Now, I’m not here to preach. And so I’m never in touch with the real world. What I’m going to be afraid of is what other people are going to say. Other people have the theory that the real world is spiritual or mental. Because the Jewish people had a sense of God as the cosmic king, the boss. What is God useful for? " And Adam said, "This woman thou gavest me-she tempted me and I did eat." And God looked at Eve and said, "Hast thou eaten of the fruit of the tree whereof I told thee thou shoudst not eat? Like when God approached Adam in the Garden of Eden and said, "Hast thou eaten of the fruit of the tree whereof I told thee thou shouldst not eat? Let’s begin with some very down-to-earth ones, like money.

Sure. And so we say: let’s get rid of mosquitoes. And we get unhappy, because we’re thinking of ourselves in this way, because we think, "Well, gee. So then, there is practiced throughout the world-rather more in Asia than here, although always by a minority of people-a discipline called meditation, which is to get in touch with reality. The training locks in the lab are a good start, but you will probably learn more quickly if you have access to your own personal practice locks as well. For more info on Dave, visit his blog: Master of 500 Hats. It is a measure of wealth in the same way as inches are measures of length and grams measures of weight. The word "meditation," in English, doesn’t have quite the same meaning. You don’t think of the meaning of it, you see, because you can’t think of the meaning of God. It is therefore called the praṇava, meaning the sound which represents the total energy of the universe, the which than which there is no whicher. Scour the whole thing with nuclear energy. So this is a very odd thing for Westerners to understand, and particularly for Americans, because we are so fixated on the future.

And both concepts are off the point, because both of them presuppose a fundamental separation of the individual from the universe. The head and the feet look very different, but they are parts of one organism. So this is one activity which is curiously different from all others. You cannot live simultaneously in six houses, or eat twelve roasts of beef at one meal. I don’t mean that kind of grim silence which one observes when somebody says, "Such-and-such a famous person has just died and we’ll observe a moment of silence in his honor." And everybody frowns and thinks very serious thoughts. So we don’t realize that we’re living out of now and throwing the past behind us. Now this, you see, is the problem of civilization. This, our language patterns and our logic patterns overlook. The only way to become proficient is to practice. It’s your way of life. But it’s not for praying, it’s for counting your breath without numbers. It follows gravity. So, very gently, would you try the experiment of allowing your breath to fall out.

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